I have recently started watching Marie Kondo! As someone who has always been slightly addicted to stuff, in particular fabric and related haberdashery, and having spent many previous years teaching, I have managed to collect rather a grand selection of 'useful' things which I thought would one day come in handy. 2019 I decided, would be a year of clearing and cleansing ....little did I know that it too would spark so much joy! I've listed stuff on Gumtree, given things away to friends, to strangers, to charity shops and wherever possible avoided landfill. It is surprising how satisfying this feels and how joyous it is to look around the house and see shelves where things sit neatly rather than expecting an avalanche at any moment! From the shelves, I then moved onto my drawers ...I know the Marie Kondo way is to do the drawers first, but at least I'm some way to getting there! I've used these soft linen storage pots to contain all the little things I need to get to quickly in my drawer, things that previously seem to always get lost. You know the type of thing, tweezers, nail file, small bottles of face oil etc etc. It has all become rather addictive! Craft bits and bobs, sewing stuff, make up pads and even plants have been given this extra special treatment.

I still have a way to go ...I just can't bring myself to get rid of the many boxes of beautiful vintage linen table cloths that still sit in the loft, collected since I was 18, but I have to admit, albeit slightly secretly, that I have really enjoyed the act of decluttering!

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